
  • The players must be eligible high school students according to SHSAA.
  • Maximum seven players can be signed up for a team, any five of those seven are eligible to play any of the games throughout the season and the finals
  • The grand finals will be held in Fort Qu'Appelle.
  • Each team must have 5 unique players
  • A teams roster after being emailed shall not be changed in anyway after the first game of the season, however players are not restricted to only playing their role as listed on the webpage
  • Matches must be played at the default time Thursday 5 or 7 PM CST - Central Standard Time
  • Each match will consist of two games.  
  • A team who does not show up after 15 minutes of default match time will forfeit both games
  • To claim any win one member from either team must provide details and proof of win (screen shot of the summary after the game) and email to, if there's no proof emailed to us then we can not credit a win, and only the screen shot of the after game screen will be accepted.
  • A player experiencing technical issues on either team may call for a restart of the game prior to first blood within the first five minutes of the game, before the timer reaches "5:00"
  • The team experiencing issues must declare in ALL CHAT of the issue and state the restart then disconnect immediately
  • The game is void after the disconnect as long as the conditions are met: A player experiencing technical issues on either team may call for a restart of the game prior to first blood within the first five minutes of the game, before the timer reaches "5:00"
  • Proof of the ALL CHAT restart must be screen shot and emailed to
  • Any unintentional disconnection before first blood within five minutes OR a client crash prior to champion select will require a game restart
  • A player cannot be on more than one team